"Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."~ Hebrews 10:23-25

Welcome to Ecclesia!

We are a Bible believing Christian community from around the world who seek to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by winning souls and to edify all brethren so that we may be likeminded in Christ. While we are not a church, we hope to help brethren situate themselves in a Bible believing local church so that they may have fellowship with likeminded brethren who believe in the same gospel and join in on winning more people to Christ to add more people to the kingdom of God! Click
here to find a local church near you!*

*Warning: Not all of these churches have been examined for whether they are a saved church or not. It is best to visit one and find out for yourself what they believe in. Even if saved, there may be other factors which may not make it the right place for you to fellowship in. Typically look for the labels KJV Only and Soulwinning.

**NEW** Gosoul.win has been released at 10 October 2022. Download the app for a useful gospel presentation and more!

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Featured Pages

The Bible Way to Heaven

Are you 100% sure you will make it into heaven? Click here to find out how you can have everlasting life according to the word of God! This will be the most important decision you may ever make in your life!

The Bible

Are you 100% sure you have the perfect word of God? If you believe the Bible is the word of God, make sure you are reading the right Bible! Click here to ascertain if you are truly reading the word of God!


In addition to primary doctrines pertaining to salvation and who God is, this page will cover all other secondary yet important doctrines covered in the Bible. There will also be derivative doctrines covered.


This page is a beginner guide to winning a soul, or to evangelise, or to give the gospel to everyone you know and don't know. "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise."~ Proverbs 11:30

Major Heresies

There are many who have crept into our churches unawares to spread damnable heresies. False prophets are wolves in sheep's clothing seeking to destroy and bear corrupt fruits. Click here to see how there is no shortage of false doctrines all around the world!

Biblical Bestiary

Check out some of the fascinating creatures in the Bible! Are these creatures real? Or are they something totally different than what we would expect? What does God say about these animals?